An Exhibition and Curatorial Workshop with Mireia
In March of 2016 Kipp Gallery at the Indiana
University of Pennsylvania hosted Spanish artist Mireia Sentis for a spring
2016 featured artist exhibition and student workshop. Born in Barcelona, Mireia
grew up in Paris and studied at Oxford and in Florence. She is a writer,
photographer and curator who has directed and anchored cultural radio and TV
programs in Spain and the UK. Her
work spans four decades reaching across multiple disciplines including
photography, journalism, visual art, broadcasting and criticism. She started working at United Nations
headquarters in 1972 and since then has been living and working in New York,
Barcelona and Madrid. In 1983, she began exhibiting her photographic work
throughout Europe, South America and New York, receiving critical acclaim from
respected columns in Artnews and The New York Times. In 2008 Mireia was the recipient of a
retrospective exhibition at the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid) and at Arts
Santa Mònica (Barcelona, 2010). Early in her career Mireia directed the Spanish
television program Dos en raya (TV2) interviewing primary figures from the arts
and culture. She is the author of
Al límite del juego (To the Limit of the Game, 1994), a portrait of SoHo in the
1960’s and 70’s, and En el pico del águila: una introducción a la cultura
afroamericana (In the Eagle's Beak: An introduction to African American
Culture, 1998). She is also the founder/director of BAAM (Biblioteca Afro
Americana in Madrid), which publishes previously untranslated writings in
WORDS AND OBJECTIVITY is an evolving project that
unfolds in two phases. During
phase one from March 17th – 25th Mireia Sentis
transformed Kipp Gallery into a classroom where select IUP student artists
participated in a concept development and curatorial workshop. During this workshop, students were asked to consider the
contradictory notion of photographic objectivity while investigating
collaborative possibilities for their own work. Ultimately the student artists worked together with Sentis
to mount an exhibition of their own work in addition to photographs from
Sentis’ series “Words.” Phase two of the project opened on Thursday March 31,
Anthony Bookhammer
Ashely Bouton
Cody Bloom
Jen Blalock
Kizan Ayton Green
Kizan Ayton Green
Rachel Precht
Kyle Reidmiller
Sarah Balough
Sheila Valentin
“The work of Mireia Sentis reveals the myriad,
crisscrossed paths along which contemporary creation has traveled in recent
decades. From New York to
Barcelona and Madrid, Sentis has combined her photographic work with journalism
in the press and television, exhibition curation, art criticism and essay
writing. She set off on this journey in New York in the 1970s, which provided
her with freedom of movement and action, a curiosity for means, themes and
formats, cosmopolitanism and an interest in in-depth learning about cultures
she never saw as minorities, but rather always as constituent parts of her
living environment.”
Sentis. Photo, Essay, Communication
Aurora Fernandez Polanco
Arts Santa